The Birmingham News reports:
A Blount County man who personalized his license plate with the acronym LGBFJB, a Don’t Tread on Me image, and the words “Let’s go Brandon,” a phrase popularly associated with a vulgar insult against Joe Biden, has been told by the State of Alabama he must change the plate name or lose his vehicle registration.
Nathan Kirk, the owner of Blount County Tactical, a gun store in Oneonta, is considering taking legal action on First Amendment grounds to keep the license plate name.
The letter, dated Feb. 17, stated that registration for the plate would not be renewed and that an alternative plate could be selected for no charge. Kirk said he paid $700 for the personalized plate back in October.
Read the full article.
LGB-FJB = Let’s Go Brandon, Fuck Joe Biden.
Alabama recalls a “Let’s go Brandon” license plate, calling it “objectionable.”
— (@aldotcom) February 28, 2022
More quality programming from Newsmax. With a backdrop of firearms, the guy who had his ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ ‘FJB’ plate recalled by AL is refusing to turn it in. “They can come and take it. That’s the only way they’re going to get it.”
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) March 2, 2022