Homocon Rioter Appears On Russian State Media

As the war rages in Ukraine, convicted homocon rioter Brandon Straka thought it would be a great idea to beam into the Russian state media channel’s propaganda outlet in the United States from his home confinement in Nebraska.

Watch below as he gets a fawning reception from Russia Today’s “Eat The Press” host and basically denies all the charges that led to his conviction, describing the mayhem and violence at the Capitol as a combination of “Woodstock and a karaoke party.”

Straka goes on to endorse the planned trucker blockade of Washington DC. His bit starts at 5:55 in the clip, right after the host finishes glorifying Tucker Carlson and attacking “bloated” Whoopi Goldberg.

Since his sentencing, Straka has been on a relentless “woe is me” campaign with appearances on podcasts by Fox News hosts and nutbags like Dinesh D’Souza.

Of note, the editor in chief of Russia Today last night posted threats against fellow Russians who dare to criticize the invasion of Ukraine.