“Family Values” Republican Candidate For Oregon Gov Admits He And His Wife Belonged To Swingers Group

The Williamette Week reports:

Sandy Mayor Stan Pulliam, a leading candidate for the Republican nomination for governor, told WW today that prior to entering the race, he and his wife, MacKensey, “explored relationships, mutual relationships with other couples, for a brief period of time before ultimately deciding that it wasn’t for us.”

Pulliam, 40, agreed to an interview after a 2016 screenshot from a page titled “Swinger Facebook Group PDX,” rocketed around Oregon political circles.

Sitting for a Zoom interview Thursday afternoon alongside MacKensey, his wife of 12 years, Pulliam, 40, repeatedly declined to specify when the “mutual relationships” began or ended, except to say that 2016 was an accurate date and their participation ended well before he began running for governor.

Mediaite reports:

“In Oregon, we really cherish values of individuality and liberty,” Pulliam said. “The decisions that we made were for MacKensey and I to make in the privacy of our own homes.”

Pulliam added that he and his wife are not ashamed of their previous activity, nor are they ashamed of it. In fact, he said, the couple has received an outpouring of support.

He also denied that he is bisexual. “I’m a heterosexual male,” Pulliam said. “And I’ve only personally engaged in heterosexual activity.”

Below is from his campaign site.