Staver: Military Religious Vax Exemptions Are A “Ruse”

Via email from hate group leader Mat Staver:

As a result of Liberty Counsel’s case, Navy SEAL 1 v. Biden, Florida federal judge Steven Merryday ordered each branch of the military to file a detailed report regarding religious exemptions from the COVID-19 shot every 14 days beginning Friday, January 7, 2022.

The filings received by the court last week show that out of 21,342 requests received, zero exemptions have been granted, and many have been denied at the final appeal stage. The reports confirm Liberty Counsel’s argument that the religious exemptions are a ruse with the inevitable result that everyone is being denied.

The filings by the military branches prove that they continue to ignore the law by denying every religious exemption request from the COVID shots.

Service members are continually threatened with discharge, loss of pay and benefits, and repayment of educational and training costs. Liberty Counsel looks forward to returning to court to stop this unlawful treatment of our military heroes.

According to Staver, offering the chance for a religious exemption is just a dirty trick to identify and eject Christians.

RELATED: Staver has claimed that vaccine mandates may cause plane crashes. He also claims that the COVID vaccine causes miscarriages, sterility, brain damage, and is intended to “stop procreation.” On a July podcast, Staver’s guest declared that that vaccine contains graphene oxide with the intent of “linking people to the internet.” According to Staver, world health authorities, including the US federal government, are colluding with “Big Pharma” to hide the cure for COVID. Staver recently appeared on JMG when he falsely claimed that Biden has “exempted” members of Congress from his vaccine mandate. In fact, no president has the power to mandate anything for the legislative branch. The Liberty Counsel sued the Pentagon over its vaccine mandate in October.