Homocon Rioter Denies Squealing To The Feds

Via email from convicted rioter Brandon Straka:

Dear Patriots, Just when I think the media can’t get anything more wrong, they find a way to outdo themselves. It just makes you roll your eyes and pray that one of these days Jesus is going to take the wheel on all of this.

The media is going crazy with speculations right now about me that are going to result in total and complete disappointment for their audiences who believe something big and juicy is coming down the pike.

I feel sorry for them. I remember all too well when I was a liberal, when I hated conservatives, and the media kept me spoon-fed on a diet of resentment toward conservatives and continually intimated that something HUGE that would satisfy my dislike of the right was coming… and it was never true to begin with.

Eventually I had enough and had to #WalkAway from all of that. Remember when Rachel Maddow “had his tax returns”?? “No REALLY” ?

I’m still not at liberty to discuss my case. If any of you write to me with specific questions, it’s highly unlikely that I can answer most of them right now. That’s just the way things have to be during an open case.

My sentencing date is delayed once more until mid January. I know the delays are very upsetting. They are for me, too. But it’s going to be ok. We’ve all made it this far and we’ll make it a tiny bit further.