New Docs Reveal Details of How Trump WH Interfered With CDC Guidance During Early Months Of Pandemic

The Hill reports:

Top political officials in the Trump White House tried to block public health guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, and tried to eliminate evidence of political interference into scientists’ reports on the coronavirus, according to newly released documents from congressional investigators.

The latest documents from a House committee investigating the former administration’s response to the pandemic shed additional light on the efforts of some Trump political appointees to blunt or even block the messages of career officials, because they did not align with Trump’s rosy projections.

Trump officials tried to stop the CDC from publishing what the White House felt was negative information about the pandemic. Officials specifically tried to interfere with the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWR) to better align with the White House’s more optimistic messaging about the state of the virus.

Read the full article. There’s much more.