Allen West: I’m Getting Hospitalized For Something

The Texas Tribune reports:

Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Allen West, who is not vaccinated against COVID-19, tweeted on Saturday that he may be admitted to the hospital after a chest X-ray showed he has pneumonia caused by the virus. “There’s a concern about my oxygen saturation levels, which are at 89 and they should be at 95,” West tweeted, adding in a follow-up tweet, “My chest X-rays do show COVID pneumonia, not serious. I am probably going to be admitted to the hospital.”

Earlier in the day, West’s campaign tweeted that his wife, who is vaccinated against COVID-19, had tested positive for the virus on Friday. In that tweet thread, the campaign said he was “experiencing a low grade fever and light body aches” and that he was canceling in-person events until he was in the clear. In the same thread, the campaign also said that West was taking hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

Read the full article.