The New York Post reports:
Ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani at a 9/11 commemoration on Saturday called a top US general an “idiot” and “a–hole,” imitated Queen Elizabeth and distanced himself from Prince Andrew, in a series of rambling soliloquies, video shows.
During a rant at an annual Sept. 11 dinner held at Cipriani, Giuliani wondered of Gen. Mark Milley, “How’s that guy a general?” while imagining physically assaulting the decorated joint Chiefs of Staff chairman because of his advice to close Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.
“I wanted to grab his stars and shove it down his throat and say, ‘It’s 400 miles from China, a–hole! China is going to be our enemy for the next 40 years! You have an airbase 400 miles from them and you’re giving it up? Idiot!” the Republican former mayor fumed. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
Read the full article.
Rudy Giuliani goes on unhinged rant during 9/11 memorial dinner
— New York Post (@nypost) September 12, 2021
I’m not sure I have ever seen someone give a speech at a formal occasion as drunk as Rudy Giuliani is right now at the 9/11 dinner.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) September 12, 2021
The same Rudy Giuliani who yesterday said the President of the United States had no business being in NYC on September 11, 2021 decided to honor the victims of 9/11 by showing up drunk to a memorial dinner and going on a lewd, violent, deranged rant
— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) September 12, 2021
Rudy unleashed: Giuliani mocks Queen Elizabeth’s British accent and denies hanging out with Prince Andrew
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) September 12, 2021
At what was supposed to be a somber dinner last night commemorating 9/11 giuliani appeared pissed out his head, impersonated the queen and told the audience he definitely had nothing to do with Prince Andrew and young women
— Mark (@Ma_rk76) September 12, 2021
Putting the rude in Rudy, the former NYC mayor mocks Queen Elizabeth during a bizarre speech
— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) September 12, 2021
Rudy rolled into the 9/11 dinner drunk out of his mind tonight. Here he is giving his Queen Elisabeth impression, and assuring the audience he was never with a young girl and Prince Andrew.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) September 12, 2021
In the last 300 days, Rudy Giuliani has:
– Booked the wrong “Four Seasons”
– Audibly farted on national TV
– Had hair dye rain down his face
– Shaved in an airport *restaurant*
– Gave a speech on 9/11 shitfaced
Can’t wait to see what this absolute legend has in store for us
— Ben Wexler (@mrbenwexler) September 12, 2021