The Daytona Beach News-Journal reports:
Volusia County Councilman Fred Lowry is hospitalized with COVID-19, County Chair Jeff Brower announced Tuesday. “He is in the hospital wrestling with COVID-19. It’s been about three weeks now,” Brower said as Tuesday’s council meeting kicked off with Lowry’s chair empty for the second week. He attracted controversy this summer for promoting conspiracy theories, including some about the coronavirus pandemic, in a sermon at Deltona Lakes Baptist Church.
“We did not have a pandemic, folks. We were lied to,” Lowry said in the May 30 sermon. Lowry then launched into QAnon lies about a trafficking children, organ-harvesting and extracting the chemical adrenochrome from their blood for its hallucinatory and anti-aging properties. He referred to Dr. Anthony Fauci as “Dr. Falsey” — “I did not mispronounce that. That’s the way I wanted to say it.” — and labeled him a liar and pervert.
Read the full article.
It appears that the video of Lowry’s sermon was deleted from Facebook in the time that I started working on this post.
County Council Member Fred Lowry, who declared that COVID is a hoax, is now hospitalized with, you guessed it, COVID.
— Mark Lane (@OtherMarkLane) September 7, 2021
None of us should judge a book by its cover. But I bet you saw this photo, saw it came from us, and surmised some pastor, radio host, or other anti-vaxxer contracted Covid. Those who guessed pastor, nice job. Fred Lowry. Volusia, FL. Called Fauci “Dr. Falsey.” In the hospital.
— Duty To Warn ? (@duty2warn) September 7, 2021
. @OrlandoOpinion that first revealed the details of Lowry’s belief system:
“… leaving his congregants to imagine that 95% of missing kids ending up in secret torture chambers where they’re drained of blood to satisfy the cravings of Hollywood elites.”
— Scott Maxwell (@Scott_Maxwell) September 7, 2021