The Toronto City News reports:
Two people have been arrested following an anti-vaccine, anti-mask protest outside the Eaton Centre on Saturday. Police say a group of protesters attempted to enter the mall but were denied access by security guards.
A video posted to social media by lawyer Caryma Sa’d shows the mob trying to forcibly push its way into the mall, scuffling with security and police officers while shouting “freedom.”
At one point in the video, a protester is heard telling the group over a megaphone that “there’s multiple entrances” and that they should “back off from the police.” Michael Leaf, 29, of Thornhill and Vanessa Carvalho, 23, of Brampton were both arrested and charged with assault.
Read the full article.
Two people have been arrested following a violent anti-mask, anti-vaccine protest outside the Eaton Centre on Saturday.
— CityNews Toronto (@CityNews) September 26, 2021
What we saw outside the Eaton Centre on Saturday is illegal behaviour and police are treating it as such – two people have been arrested and charged already. I know the vast majority of people are angered and frustrated by these anti-vaccine, anti-mask protests – I am too.
— John Tory (@JohnTory) September 26, 2021
There’s a guy filming himself walking around the Eaton Centre without a mask on, like its the most impressive thing he’s ever done.
…which it probably is. It’s just sad, the whole lot of it. Fragile, mediocre dudes addicted to social media likes from other mediocre dudes.
— Dr. Vicky Forster (@vickyyyf) September 25, 2021
the anti-vaxers that are terrorizing eaton centre are calling it a fight against medical apartheid but give no response to the fact that it’s the unvaccinated filling up ICUs in Canada and that every single health worker will continue to give them all the care/all they have.
— Andrew Baback Boozary MD (@drandrewb) September 26, 2021
Chris Sky caught on tape instructing followers to STORM the Eaton
— Toronto 99 News (@Toronto99News) September 25, 2021
Mike Leaf and Vanessa Carvalho protesting last weekend. Arrested this weekend for assault associated with violence at Eaton Centre yesterday.
— décroissance 躺平 (@UnAcmeBonhomme) September 26, 2021
In case there was any confusion about whether Chris Sky incited #antivaxxers to storm the Eaton Centre, here’s a few guys telling him their plan to do exactly that.
Throughout his speech, Sky called Canadian men as “bitches” & “pussies” for their supposed complacency.#cdnpoli
— Caryma Sa’d – Lawyer + Cartoon Creator (@CarymaRules) September 25, 2021