Courthouse News Service reports:
A federal judge voiced concern for the Pennsylvania pizzeria owner’s livelihood but said he had no choice but to send her to jail Friday after a frazzling hearing where she refused to abide by the conditions of release. “You’re a small business owner. I don’t want to lock you up. I don’t want you to lose your restaurant,” U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden said at an in-person court hearing for Pauline Bauer on Friday.
McFadden asked if she would just be willing to check in with her pretrial officer once a week. “I feel like it’s a violation of my rights, sir,” responded Bauer, who is representing herself against misdemeanor federal charges. McFadden revoked Bauer’s release, and Bauer was taken out of the courtroom crying and screaming: “No! I’m not going back to jail! Why are you doing this?” “I don’t like doing this, but you have made it clear that you feel you are above the law,” McFadden said.
Read the full article.
Bauer last appeared on JMG when she declared herself to be an “ambassador of Christ” who is immune from the law. As I reported back in May, prosecutors say Bauer screamed “bring out that fucking bitch Pelosi” for hanging.
Feds are asking court to revoke release of Jan 6 defendant Pauline Bauer pending trial, arguing she’s following court orders, won’t surrender passport.Bauer says she’s “sovereign citizen”, and has filed some ……. dynamic…. motions with court ===>
— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) September 17, 2021
Crash course on “Sovereign Citizen”
“they believe the government creates a secret alternate identity for each American at birth and sets up a secret US Treasury account — sort of like a corporate “trust” — under that alternate identity.””— SturgeonSue Is Fully Vaccinated (@sturgeon_sue) September 17, 2021
ALERT: Jan 6 defendant Pauline Bauer, who is representing herself in case, has been ordered to DC jail pending trial
Bauer faces low-level charges, but has allegedly failed to follow court orders/restrictions… has made conflicting claims about being sovereign citizen
— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) September 17, 2021
!! ALERT – Judge has ordered US Marshals to take Pauline Bauer into custody.
Bauer is screaming as this happens…
She’s going to jail
— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) September 17, 2021