The Moscow Times reports:
Russian organic grocer VkusVill has pulled its promotional material featuring an LGBT family and replaced it with an apology less than a week after posting it.
Social media users reportedly swarmed VkusVill’s and the same-sex family’s accounts with death threats after their story ran Wednesday as part of a series spotlighting the retail chain’s regular customers. By Sunday, the advertising article’s URL contained a contrite message signed by VkusVill’s founder Andrei Krivenko and senior executives.
“We consider this publication to be our mistake, which was the result of individual employees’ unprofessionalism,” VkusVill wrote in the apology.
Read the full article.
Russian organic grocer VkusVill has pulled its promotional material featuring an LGBT family and replaced it with an apology less than a week after posting it
— The Moscow Times (@MoscowTimes) July 5, 2021
The internet loves Vkusvill, a Russian supermarket that featured an LGBT family in an ad!
*5 seconds later* We regret to inform you Vkusvill have pulled the ad and blamed it on “certain staffers’ unprofessionalism”
— max seddon (@maxseddon) July 5, 2021
Russian supermarket chain VkusVill has pulled an advertisement featuring a same-sex couple following a social media uproar by conservative groups in a country where homophobia is prevalent
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) July 5, 2021