The Washington Post reports:
Arizona’s Republicans held onto the state Senate last year, which was very good news for Wendy Rogers. The Air Force veteran, who’d lost five out of five previous elections, defeated a fellow Republican by accusing her of being soft on crime. In Phoenix, Rogers cast decisive votes to alter the state’s election laws and audit its 2020 vote; on Twitter, she began using a term she had never used as a private citizen.
“Based,” Rogers tweeted, after Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) pledged to oppose any immigration reform bill. “You are not ‘based,’” she tweeted in June, “if you support candidates who are not ‘based.’” When the city of Charlottesville, finally removed a statue of Robert E. Lee, she warned that anyone who did not back the defeated Confederate general was not — you guessed it — “based.”
If you’re unfamiliar with “based,” in far-right cultist jargon it means to do whatever you want without concern for what others may think or say.
Rogers, who last appeared on JMG when she threatened to imprison Attorney General Merrick Garland, is today calling for a complete do-over on Arizona’s 2020 general election.
The last tweet below is from Trump’s current spokes-liar.
I have heard enough. With the tens of thousands of ballots mailed without being requested, the over ten thousand people who voted after registering after November 3rd, the failure of Maricopa to turn over the 40% machines, the passwords that Dominion still refuses (1/2)
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 15, 2021
to turn over, & tens of thousands of unauthorized queries demonstrating how insecure the election was, I call for the Biden electors to be recalled to Arizona & a new election must be conducted. Arizona’s electors must not be awarded fraudulently & we need to get this right.
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 15, 2021
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 15, 2021
Start demanding justice NOW. This election was stolen from us. Hold peoples’ feet to the fire.
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 15, 2021
— Wendy Rogers (@WendyRogersAZ) July 15, 2021
STUNNING in race decided by 10,457 votes
3,981 voted despite registered AFTER Oct 15 deadline
11,326 voted who were NOT on rolls on Nov 7 but WERE on Dec 4
18,000 voted and then were removed from rolls AFTER election
74,243 mail-in ballots w/ NO evidence of ever being sent
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) July 15, 2021