Via email from hate group leader Tony Perkins:
The silver lining of the coronavirus pandemic is that parents were forced to spend more time at home with their children and saw firsthand the radical indoctrination being pushed on them.
Despite Leftist mockery, the pushback against critical race theory, explicit LGBT curriculum, social justice activism, and other offensive material is coming from parents across the political spectrum.
In fact, some of the most vocal parents are those in Left-leaning suburbs of Washington, D.C., Palm Beach County in Florida, Westchester County in New York, Maricopa County in Arizona, and suburbs of Detroit.
They also recognized the benefit to their child, when they could tailor the education to their child’s needs and interests, away from the negative peer pressure, wasted time, indoctrination, and other disadvantages of the public-school model.
America will recover from the pandemic, but many families who are determined to educate their children at home will never send them back.