Peter Montgomery reports at Right Wing Watch:
A recent fundraising letter from the political action arm of the Family Research Council openly describes its legislative attack on access to health care for transgender youth as a political strategy designed to secure conservative electoral victories in 2022.
The letter and its accompanying “fact sheet” on the “Save Adolescents from Experimentation” (SAFE) Act are filled with disinformation about what it calls “the transgender experiment now preying on thousands of American children.” The premise of FRC’s fundraising package is a false and malicious insinuation that “experimental hormone treatments” and “cosmetic surgery” are being “imposed” on children and are “destroying the lives of thousands of American children every year.”
FRC’s letter admits that there’s no chance the current Congress will pass the bill, adding, “But if we can make this a central issue of next year’s midterm campaigns, I believe we could see historic gains for pro-family conservatives, retake Congress, and block the radical Biden agenda.” It also says FRC’s “fact sheet” about the legislation “could be the key to conservative victories in the 2022 midterm elections – IF we can spread it far and wide rapidly now!”
Read the full article.
FRC’s Tony Perkins is pushing attacks on transgender youth access to health care because wants a “wedge issue” to help right-wing candidates win 2022 elections. #LGBTQ
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) July 12, 2021