Yang Files Preemptive Suit On NYC Absentee Ballots

The City reports:

Andrew Yang’s supposedly defunct mayoral campaign served competitors papers in a preemptive lawsuit filed ahead of the city’s counting of ranked choice votes — charging on even after conceding the race Tuesday.

Pre-emptive suits can preserve a campaign’s right to correct any errors in election returns so that a judge can step in if necessary. Going to court ahead of the count may be attractive to some candidates given that the extended tallying period for the new ranked choice voting system makes for tight legal filing deadlines.

Yang’s press team didn’t directly answer questions about the lawsuit, filed June 18 in Bronx Supreme Court. But the representatives pointed to a tweet from Chris Coffey, Yang’s co-campaign manager: “It’s standard practice for protecting absentees and we are withdrawing. Calm down.”

Read the full article.