Mediaite has the transcript:
When y’all going to get the memo that I didn’t get it wrong? Trump ain’t never went nowhere, he ain’t back, he’s always been around. He is the legitimate president of the United States of America. I don’t care if you stand up and clap or not. I’m telling you, Donald Trump is the legitimate president of the United States of America. You’ve got to smoke a lot of dope in your mom’s basement not to believe that fact.
I don’t care what you think about fraudulent ‘Sleepy Joe,’ he’s a sex trafficking, demon-possessed mongrel, he’s of the left, he ain’t no better than the Pope and Oprah Winfrey and Tom Hanks and the rest of that wicked crowd God is going to bring the whole house down! He is going to burn the whole thing to the ground, he’s going to expose all these bunch of pedophiles. I’m telling you he’s going to expose Kamala Harris for the Jezebel demon that she is.
Locke first appeared on JMG last summer when he threatened to kick in the teeth of a teen Dunkin’ Donuts employee for asking him to wear a mask in the store. Shortly afterwards it was reported that he had been cheating on his wife with the church secretary. He and his wife then divorced and he married his mistress.
In the very same sermon where he called Joe Biden, Oprah Winfrey, and Tom Hanks “a bunch of pedophiles,” right-wing pastor Greg Locke also vowed to sue CNN and Newsweek for supposedly defaming *him.*
— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) June 28, 2021