CBS Sports reports:
A spectator at the Tour de France who caused a massive crash involving dozens of cyclists is missing as race authorities plan to sue her. Tour de France deputy director Pierre-Yves Thouault told AFP news agency they plan to sue the woman “so that the tiny minority of people who do this don’t spoil the show for everyone.” However, French publication Ouest-France reported the woman, who is believed to be German, got on a flight and is untraceable.
Spectator who caused massive crash at Tour de France missing after fleeing the country
— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 28, 2021
This woman in her desperation to ger he face on the TV caused half the Tour de France riders to crash.
She’s now in hiding as she’s wanted by the Police, she’ll get her face on TV but not for the reason she wanted.— Silvio Tattisconie ©? (@STattisconie) June 28, 2021