Reuters reports:
Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, France and Ireland were among European Union countries condemning their peer Hungary on Tuesday for a new anti-LGBTQ law as the bloc zeroed in again on democratic failings in Budapest and its nationalist ally Warsaw.
Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg authored a joint declaration condemning the latest legal changes under Prime Minister Viktor Orban as violating the right to freedom of expression and a “flagrant form of discrimination based on sexual orientation.”
The Swedish minister said the Hungarian law was “grotesque”, his Dutch colleague called on Budapest to undo it while their Irish counterpart said the bloc’s executive should sue it at the top EU court.
Read the full article.
#Germany, the #Netherlands, #Sweden, #France and #Ireland were among #EuropeanUnion countries condemning their peer Hungary on Tuesday for a new #antilgbtq law as the bloc zeroed in again on democratic failings in #Budapest and its nationalist ally Warsaw.
— The Daily Star (@dailystarnews) June 22, 2021
UEFA on Tuesday rejected plans by the city of Munich to light the Allianz Arena in rainbow colours for the Germany-Hungary Euro 2020 match in support of the LGBT community and to protest at a law passed by the Hungarian government.
— The Local Germany (@TheLocalGermany) June 22, 2021