Hate Group That Hired Molester Josh Duggar Calls For Canceling Lego Over Their Pride Month Rainbow Toy Set

Via email from hate group leader Tony Perkins:

The Left is tearing down mainstream values — brick by brick! Lego, the latest company to pander to the woke, just decided to test the waters with a rainbow set of “LGBTQIA+” figures. “Everyone is awesome!” the iconic toy company tweeted with a picture of the pack, which also boasts a transgender-flag colored spectrum.

And if you’ve always wanted your kids to get an early education on cross-dressers, creator Matthew Ashton says you’re in luck. Although the characters are supposed to be non-conformist, the purple figure is meant as “a clear nod to all the fabulous drag queens out there.”

If Lego wants to trot down this same controversial path, they’ll learn pretty quickly that American parents aren’t interested in their building blocks of indoctrination.

Most U.S. consumers are wide awake, thanks to the cancel culture, and they’re not about to let a major decision by Lego corrupt a playful tradition that they loved as children themselves.

If Lego wants to turn its back on thousands of years of science, morality, common sense, and public opinion, that’s their choice. But they need to know that there’s a price for their extremism.