The Daily Mail reports:
Boris Johnson referred to Covid as ‘Kung-Flu’ and – before he was infected with the virus – offered to be injected with it live on TV to ‘show it’s nothing to be scared of’, Dominic Cummings will claim today.
They are among the explosive allegations that Mr Cummings, Mr Johnson’s former chief adviser, will make to MPs investigating the Government’s handling of the epidemic.
In an extraordinary claim, he will accuse the Prime Minister of being responsible for ‘thousands of deaths’ by delaying a second lockdown when a second wave of the virus hit the UK in the winter.
Read the full article.
Cummings to give evidence to MPs at 9.30am. Simon Walters has a preview of some of the things he might say. Watch live on @SkyNews this morning
PM ‘wanted to be infected with Covid on live TV… and called virus Kung-Flu’
— Beth Rigby (@BethRigby) May 26, 2021
Boris Johnson wanted to be injected with Covid on live TV he called it “Kung Flu” as the bodies piled high he said it’s only killing 80 year olds, and what about cpt Tom? Boris is a menace, so are his supporters ? just unreal..
— ARTIST TAXI DRIVER (@chunkymark) May 26, 2021
It didn’t seem possible for a leader to top Trump’s bleach injection advice, but here we are
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) May 26, 2021
Still reeling that Boris Johnson SUGGESTED being injected with Corona, live on TV, to prove it was harmless. At least on Black Mirror the Prime Minister was FORCED to fuck a pig.
— Caitlin Moran (@caitlinmoran) May 26, 2021
Boris Johnson’s former top aide testifies that the PM viewed COVID as a “scare story” in Feb. 2020 and suggested he could be injected with the virus on live television.
More highlights from Dominic Cummings’ bombshell testimony here.
— Zach Basu (@zacharybasu) May 26, 2021
The UK Prime Minister regarded coronavirus as a ‘scare story’ in February 2020, his former chief adviser told a committee of MPs.
— VICE World News (@VICEWorldNews) May 26, 2021