Liberty Counsel: Send Money To Stop “Forced” Vaccines

Via email from hate group leader Mat Staver:

Tragic reports of late-term miscarriages, serious side effects and death following Pfizer or Moderna COVID injections are piling up. In Israel, at least 4,500 people contracted COVID after the first Pfizer shot, and 375 of them were hospitalized.

The death reports and serious side effects in America from the injection continue to escalate. And while these tragic reports continue, the effort to mandate the injection is increasing. It must be your choice – not Big Pharma’s or the government’s.

Historically, vaccines take up to 10 years of testing before release to the public. Years 1-5 are typically dedicated to lab research. Years 6-10 are usually dedicated to clinical safety trials. Those trials begin with animals before moving on to humans.

ONLY when inoculations have been thoroughly tested (for all categories of people) is the vaccine released to the general public. Over 93% of all vaccines FAIL the safety part before clinical trials are completed.

Yet the COVID shots, developed in just 9 months or less, SKIPPED these critically important safety protocols. As a result, NO ONE, not even the COVID scientists who developed the shots, know all the dangers. But we are beginning to find out.

Thankfully, a generous supporter has established a Challenge Grant which will DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR DONATION. Select HERE to take advantage of this impact-doubling grant today! The Lord has better days for us ahead because He is still on the Throne!