Far-Right Trump Cultist Wayne Root Banned By Twitter

Fox News reports:

Twitter suspended radio host Wayne Allyn Root this weekend. “I am in shock,” Root told Fox News. “It appears to be a permanent ban. Twitter never warned me and never sent any communication saying I’ve been suspended or banned.

“I simply tried to tweet yesterday afternoon and could not. But unlike a previous suspension, my followers suddenly said 0.”

“We made Jack Dorsey one of the richest men on earth. He got an army of worker bees to spend thousands of hours for free making him rich. And what’s my reward? No more free speech. In America. My opinions are banned. My opinions are forbidden,” Root said.

Root admits he’s been suspended multiple times in the past. That’s what is known as a warning.

He last appeared on JMG in March 2020 when the New York Attorney General sent him a cease-a-desist letter for promoting a fake coronavirus cure.

Root served as the warmup act at several Trump rallies in 2016. At one of those rallies his encouraged the audience to fantasize about Hillary Clinton dying in a car crash “Thelma & Louise-style.”

Root has declared that Trump is “far too handsome” to ever need to grope women. In August 2016 he called for banning people on public assistance and women on birth control from voting.

He’s also promoted all the usual far-right bullshit about Seth Rich, the Charlottesville Nazi rally, and mass shootings.

He first appeared on JMG in 2012 as one of the leading proponents of racist birther claims about Barack Obama, seguing later into claims that Obama is secretly gay and never attended Columbia University.

In 2008, he was the Libertarian Party’s candidate for vice president, earning 523,000 votes on the ticket headed by former GOP Rep. Bob Barr.