Alleged Rioter Nabbed After Ex Gives FBI His Texts

Law & Crime reports:

A defendant facing federal charges over the U.S. Capitol siege on Jan. 6 is facing the hard reality that it’s not a good idea to text one’s ex while engaged in dubious and potentially criminal conduct.

Accused pro-Trump rioter Richard Michetti is accused of texting his ex to tell her that she was a “moron” if she couldn’t see that the 2020 election was stolen — which is what Donald Trump himself repeatedly told a crowd before the violence erupted on that day in infamy.

The ex, who is identified in a 10-page Statement of Facts merely as W1, came forward on Jan. 7 and “reported to law enforcement” that Michetti “sent several text messages and two videos” to her while participating in the siege. W1 turned everything — texts and videos — over to the FBI.

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