Israel Leads World In Percentage To Get COVID Vax

Axios reports:

Israel has administered more COVID-19 vaccinations than any other nation, with over 1 million people receiving jabs — a rate of 12.59 doses per 100 people, new data from an Oxford University-run tracking site shows.

As countries like the U.S. fall behind on immunization goals, Israel has given coronavirus doses to over 10% of its population of 9.2 million since it began administering Pfizer/BioNTech’s vaccine on Dec. 19.

The U.S. has administered 4.23 million doses, a rate of 1.28 per 100 people as of Saturday, per the figures from the Oxford-run Our World in Data, which measures single doses of the vaccine that usually requires two jabs.

Read the full article. There’s a by-country chart at the link.