Charlie Kirk: Pence Can Toss Any Electors He Chooses

Media Matters has the transcript:

So the final outcome can be this: Believe it or not, there is a almost guaranteed way Donald Trump serves four more years. It’s this simple.

Mike Pence listens to the objections, he listens to the claims and the complaints, and he says “based on the power and the authority granted to me as President of the United States Senate, and my oath to the Constitution of the United States, I refuse to certify at this very moment the election results of Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Therefore no person, no candidate, has reached a 270 majority threshold, and the United States House of Representatives shall decide this election.”

Gavel out. That’s it. He doesn’t have to grant the electors to Trump. I actually wouldn’t support that. I think that would be a power leap.

All Pence has to do is reject electors from states that are compromised. Some people say that’s not constitutional. Then try it. Make them sue and get the Supreme Court into action. Because we have precedence that a vice president can reject state electors.