GOP Rep Posts Bizarre “Blair Witch” Video Claiming He Has “Insider Data” Proving That Election Was Rigged

Mediaite reports:

In a roughly four-minute-long, incredibly bizarre video, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) claimed he had “insider data” that proved the 2020 presidential election had been rigged.

“Our nation, right now, and I have inside data, this election is compromised. Our president is not compromised. I stand with him, if anybody likes it or not. I’m telling you right now,” he added.

“I have to tell you that this election, our president won this election, feel my spirit. I’m telling you our president won’t this election. And if any American would stand by and allow the total disillusion of our Republic, then you’re not an American,” he added.

Higgins last appeared on JMG when he declared that his wife has “the gift of premonition” and dreamed about leftists breaking into their home to take their guns and food. Before that, he appeared on here when he threatened to shoot Black Lives Matter protesters who dared to open carry. And before that we heard from him when he made a pro-military video from inside an Auschwitz gas chamber. YouTube deleted the clip after an outcry from Jewish groups.