Colorado Cop Suspended For Threat To “Beat The Hell Out Of” Democrats: “Now’s The True Time To Be Afraid”

“If for some reason we lose do we get to be little bitches and beat the hell out of the other party like they did. Because they don’t believe in what we do. In fact in case we actually let Biden win.

“There will be far fewer results than this year because we’ll help them find God. Democrats you were scared of Trump now’s the true time to be afaird. We will do what you have done to our city’s  and prevail p.s. please meet me at the battle grounds.

“I’m ready to leave my job just so I can hurt these people that act like they know what real life is about. They are a bunch of time out in the corner billy people.

“They have no clue of the true rath thats coming. Dems you thought you made a scene or statement with BLM just wait this it will be fun – Platteville, Colorado police officer Jason Taft, who has been put on administrative leave.