Cohen Predicts Trump Will Hide Out At Mar-A-Lago During Biden’s Inauguration, Won’t Come Back To DC

“Donald Trump talks a lot of nonsense. The birtherism. ‘I have my investigators there in Hawaii. Look what we found out.’

“It’s all a lie, 99.9% of everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. He’s not going to stay in the White House past January 20th. They will remove him. He knows that.

“After Christmas, he usually comes back January 5th, January 6th. He likes to go to Mar-A-Lago. I suspect he doesn’t even come back to Washington.

“I don’t believe he’s going to go to the inauguration because he himself fundamentally cannot sit in a chair knowing that the cameras are on him and that the world is looking at him as a loser. He cannot do that.”

“He does not have enough inner strength in him to be gracious. He needs to keep his base rallied around him. He’s going to say for the next 30 years that they stole the election from me. ‘I’m the rightful president.’

“He’s going to keep his MAGA army active and engaged and going to constantly blow this dog whistle and be a menace.” – Michael Cohen, last night on MSNBC.