Brian Brown: Democrats Controlling The Senate Is Our “Doomsday Scenario” So Send Me Money Right Away

Via email from hate group leader Brian Brown:

We continue to demand that every legal vote for president be counted and that illegal ballots be discarded. And while we pray for President Trump and his legal team to have a fair opportunity to present their case, at present it certainly appears that Joe Biden may prevail.

This has huge implications for our agenda since Biden has moved so far to the left and has made the embrace of the radical agenda of LGBT extremists his top legislative priority.

If we are to stop the Biden/Harris agenda from proceeding, we simply must hold GOP control of the Senate. A win by the Democrat candidates in Georgia would mean they will control the House of Representatives, the Senate and likely the White House as well.

That is a potential doomsday scenario for us in Washington, DC. We have to do everything in our power to make sure the people of Georgia know what’s on the line in these runoff elections. Will you help us? Your donation will DOUBLE.