Pastor: Christians Violate God’s Law When They “Speak Evil” Against Trump, Who Should Never Be Criticized

“I promise you there is a curse on our nation, not because the secular world speaks against President Trump, but because the Christian world does. We are violating the laws of God, and we are violating the ways of God by rising up and speaking evil against President Trump.

“People may not like his mannerisms, they may not like the way he does things, they may question his motives, but here’s the reality: He sits in the seat of the president of the United States of America, and because of that, he should never be reviled, he should never be spoken evil of, he should never be criticized.

“I pray that all the negativity that has been spoken against President Trump, that it would not be held to our account and that the Lord would be merciful to large portions of the church that thinks that we have a right to our opinion.” – Pastor Robert Henderson, in a livestream.

Henderson last appeared on JMG when he declared that it was “no accident” that Ruth Bader Ginsburg died after he prayed for God to silence her.