Fox News Quack Who Suggested Biden Takes Speed To “Medically Evaluate” Trump In On-Camera Fox Interview

Fox News reports:

President Trump is scheduled to make his first on-camera interview appearance on Friday since he announced last week that he tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The interview will take place on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” at 8 p.m. ET. Dr. Marc Siegel will conduct a medical evaluation and interview during the program.

The public has largely received information about the president’s condition from his daily tweets and updates from his medical team. During a phone interview on “Hannity” Thursday, the president said he was doing “really good,” and that he would probably be tested again for the virus on Friday.

White House physician Sean Conley sent out a memorandum earlier in the day stating that the president will be able to return to public engagements this weekend and had completed his course of therapy for the disease.

Siegel last appeared on JMG when he speculated on Fox News that Joe Biden is taking speed.