Trump Appointee: He Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize

Earlier today Trump went around the room in the Oval Office and forced Steve Mnuchin, Jared Kushner, Robert O’Brien and others to praise on him camera, after which they gathered in a circle around Trump’s desk and applauded him while he beamed. The North Korean judge awarded him the full ten points.

And now there’s this:

White House national security adviser Robert O’Brien on Thursday called for President Trump to be considered for the Nobel Peace Prize, citing his role in a diplomatic breakthrough between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). O’Brien made the case for his boss to get the prestigious honor, which the president himself has previously suggested he deserves, during a White House press briefing.

“It’s really remarkable I think when you step back and take a look at what this president has done on the peace front,” O’Brien said. “And it wouldn’t surprise me — it’ll take some time in this environment — but it wouldn’t surprise me if the president is eventually nominated for a Nobel Prize for this. Today’s work is an example of why he would be rightly considered and should be a front-runner for the Nobel Peace Prize.”

O’Brien is John Bolton’s replacement.