Wayfair Trends On Twitter After #QAnon Nutbags Claim Company Is Sex Trafficking Stolen Children In Cabinets

Mashable reports:

It wasn’t totally odd, at face value, that furniture site Wayfair was trending on Twitter on Friday. Maybe the retailer was having a giant sale? Unfortunately, Wayfair elbowed its way into the trending column with tens of thousands of tweets because of a much stranger situation.

It boils down to this: Conspiracy theorists were purporting that the site — or third-party sellers on the site — were secretly part of a child trafficking ring. This theory appears to have started, as many do, on Reddit’s r/conspiracy subreddit.

A cursory Twitter search for Wayfair and key QAnon words — like “storm” — reveal that, yes, QAnon folks are driving a lot of the conversation about the theory.