Apostle James Alford writes for Charisma News:
It seemed like a normal day and a normal trip, but little did I know there would be one act of obedience that would save my life. After we boarded the plane and taxied onto the runway, the pilot came over the intercom and said our flight was delayed. At that moment, I heard the Spirit of God say, “Begin to pray in tongues.”
Right at the point of takeoff, the pilot hit the brakes and drove off the runway. At that moment, the Spirit of God said, “Now you can stop praying.”
The pilot then came over the intercom and said one of the engines had gone out, and if we had tried to take off, we would have crashed. Over the years, I have thought about this event many times. God performed a miracle that day in my life and many others. The most interesting thing is that He did it through the power of tongues.
It seemed like a normal day and a normal trip, but little did I know there would be one act of obedience that would save my life. https://t.co/0Kpw0fzzT2
— Charisma News (@charisma_news) March 10, 2020