“Now people that are asymptomatic — you might have heard this, asymptomatic transmission, people that don’t have the symptoms — they aren’t contagious.
“If people are asymptomatic, they don’t have the cough, they don’t have the respiratory issues, they don’t have a fever, they’re not contagious. And so they don’t need to be tested.
“The good news is that we may have found the silver bullet to stop the coronavirus. It’s a cheap generic antimalarial medication. This thing has been around since 1944. It’s chloroquine phosphate. That’s what it’s called.
“If we can get this into the hands of assisted living facilities, they can inoculate their entire roster of patients with chloroquine. And it’s preventive. It’s prophylactic. It keeps you from getting coronavirus, and if you’ve got it, it cures it.” – AFA radio host Bryan Fischer.
Research suggests asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic people are likely why coronavirus continues to spread relentlessly. Experts say that as soon as supplies are available, everyone feeling even slightly sick needs to get tested. https://t.co/AiXreaI28r
— NPR (@NPR) March 24, 2020