Cultist TV Host Warned Over Fake Coronavirus Cure

Media Matters reports:

The New York State Office of the Attorney General has told Newsmax TV host Wayne Allyn Root “to immediately cease and desist from making misleading claims” after the right-wing host touted alkaline silver as an important product for people who are concerned about coronavirus.

As Media Matters first reported, Root used his March 11 program to downplay concerns about the coronavirus.

He then addressed people who were concerned about the virus by directing them to watch an ad touting a suspect silver product. Root stated: “‘My Doctor Suggests’ message is next. You fear coronavirus, here’s a very important message now.”

Root served as the warmup act at several Trump rallies in 2016. At one of those rallies his encouraged the audience to fantasize about Hillary Clinton dying in a car crash “Thelma & Louise-style.”

Root has declared that Trump is “far too handsome” to ever need to grope women. In August 2016 he called for banning people on public assistance and women on birth control from voting.