Putin Backs Constitutional Ban On Same-Sex Marriage

Reuters reports:

President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday Russia would not legalize gay marriage as long as he was in the Kremlin. He made clear he would not allow the traditional notion of mother and father to be subverted. “As far as ‘parent number 1’ and ‘parent number 2’ goes, I’ve already spoken publicly about this and I’ll repeat it again: as long as I’m president this will not happen. There will be dad and mum,” Putin said.

During his two decades in power, Putin has closely aligned himself with the Orthodox Church and sought to distance Russia from liberal Western values. He made the comments as he met a state commission to discuss changes to Russia’s constitution. Putin was asked to comment on a proposal to add a line in the constitution defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. “We need only to think in what phrases and where to do this,” he replied.