Christian Activist Wants To Sue The NFL Because Their Halftime Show’s “Crotch Shots” Endangered His Soul

“I think we ought to sue. Would that halftime show, would that have been rated PG? Were there any warnings that your 12-year-old son—whose hormones are just starting to operate – was there any warning that what he was going to see might cause him to get sexually excited? 

“I think we ought to go sit down in a courtroom and present this as evidence of how whoever [put on the halftime show] is keeping me from getting into the kingdom of Heaven.

“Could I go into a courtroom and say, ‘Viewing what you put on that screen put me in danger of hellfire’? Could the court say, ‘That doesn’t apply here because the right to [produce] porn overrides your right to [not] watch it’? Yeah, well, you didn’t tell me I was gonna watch it!

“You just brought it into my living room. You didn’t tell me there were gonna be crotch shots! That’s discriminatory against the value I have in my house. You can’t just do that. I wanna sue them for about $867 trillion.” – Christian web host Dave Daubenmire.

PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Daubenmire says Meghan Markle has “poisoned” the royal bloodline by being of mixed race. Daubenmire says eagles don’t mate with buzzards, proving that interracial marriage is wrong. Daubemire says Trump sleeping with “1000 women” is normal, but Pete Buttigieg is “beyond wicked.” Daubenmire says diversity is “cultural AIDS.” Daubenmire says masturbation is “homo sex.” Daubenmire says homosexuality is like “smoking crack.” Daubenmire claims “big business” is secretly using fetal tissue in “food supplements, additives, sweeteners.” Daubenmire claims homosexuality is caused by vaccinations. Daubenmire declares that God killed the Las Vegas concertgoers for their sins. Daubenmire praises a fellow Christian activist’s call to publicly hang California Gov. Jerry Brown. Daubenmire declares that Satan caused the Pulse massacre so that Obama can grab everybody’s guns.