Evangelical: Did Hillary Use Her Witchcraft To Kill Kobe?

“This is the only wild conspiracy theory I am going to ever toss out there on this program. I normally don’t do this, but this is just a food for thought question.

“We all know that it is pretty much a given that Mrs. HRC is a witch. Can a witch cast a spell on something like this to cause death and not be [known]?

“I’m just throwing that out. I don’t know anything about this stuff, you do. Is that possible, if she wanted to get rid of Kobe?

“Please, Right Wing Watch, don’t be putting in that me and Cory are saying this; this is just a food for thought question. Do you think Hillary would be able to do it if she wanted to do it?” – Christian web host Chris McDonald, expanding on an earlier “just asking” question.

PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Chris McDonald predicts Hillary “will be in handcuffs” by Christmas (2019). Chris McDonald says “satanist” Adam Schiff performs human sacrifices. Chris McDonald says God killed Elijah Cummings for opposing Trump. Chris McDonald says God will smite Democrats for attempting to impeach Donald Trump. Chris McDonald says mass shootings are a deep state plot to take away the right of Christians to attend church. McDonald says Hillary Clinton sold her soul to Satan and uses “astral projection” to intimidate her enemies. Chris McDonald says “demonic” migrants have the “spirit of the antichrist” and don’t deserve soap and toothpaste. Chris McDonald says a mass shooting was a “Masonic ritual because 3x3x3=27.