Bloomberg Plan: All New Cars Electric By Year 2035

From Bloomberg’s just-out transportation plan:

Mike will electrify all new cars by 2035 and make sure electric vehicles are affordable and convenient for families of all income levels. ​Mike will reinstate the federal gas mileage and pollution standards for passenger cars and trucks, and put in place an aggressive schedule to put the U.S. on pace to make 100% of new vehicles pollution-free by 2035. He will also make electric vehicles affordable for all families by expanding tax credits and offering low-income families a rebate when they trade in older vehicles.

In addition, he will build a network of charging stations along the highway system, aiming to place a station every 50 miles.-Mike will reduce diesel pollution from trucks, buses, and ports, especially in low-income communities with the worst air pollution, and save their owners money on fuel. ​

Mike will put in place an aggressive schedule for pollution reductions from heavy-duty vehicles, pushing for15% to be electric by 2030. In addition, he’ll launch a program to help communities reduce diesel pollution by deploying electric delivery trucks and school and transit buses, prioritizing