Fox Guest Star Parker: Food Stamp Cuts Are “Fantastic”

“I think that President Trump and his administration are doing an incredible job making America great again. This is fantastic news, that they are now acknowledging those that are sitting on their couch, they’ve gotten very comfortable on the couch, to say our national food stamp program is for those that are in need, desperate need.

“They fixed the economy, and now they are asking those that are not participating to participate.

“They’re encouraging them to say we see the potential in you, so we’re going to change a few rules to encourage you, to encourage your own life to get involved in what is happening and making America great again.” – Star Parker, on Fox & Friends this morning.

PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Star Parker says people on food stamps watch porn instead of getting jobs. Star Parker says the Equality Act is “cultural suicide” because birthrates are very low. Star Parker calls for abolishing the minimum wage. Star Parker says the “B” in LGBT stands for bestiality. Star Parker says Parkland students should have been nicer to their killer. Star Parker says the Confederate flag and the rainbow flag “stand for exactly the same thing.”