Christian Site CEO: Unlike Christianity Today, We Know That Trump Was Sent By God To Save The United States

Charisma News, the site best known here for its anti-witchcraft tutorials, its claim that the lifespan of gays is shortened by 20 years, its warning that burning breakfast eggs can summon demons, and its declaration that yoga is white witchcraft, today weighs in on evangelical infighting.

From its CEO and publisher:

For the past four decades, Christianity Today has been the main “competitor” to Charisma Magazine, which covers a different segment of the evangelical community—mainly Pentecostals, charismatics and politically conservative evangelicals. They have never publicly criticized me, and until now, I had no reason to opine about anything CT has written.

I want to go on the record that the “other” evangelical magazine — Charisma — is 100% behind the president because even though he is not perfect (no one but Christ is), God has raised him up as president to give America a reprieve.

Because Charisma is a privately owned for-profit media company, I didn’t need to get board approval not only to endorse Trump in 2016 but also to devote nearly the entire issue to the important issues in that election.

We also had articles on modern-day prophets in the charismatic community who prophesied Trump would win because God had raised him up like He did King Cyrus to rescue the children of Israel in the Old Testament. CT never reported this because they are from a segment of Protestantism that believes the gifts of the Spirit, like prophecy, died with the apostles.