CHATTER AWAY: Overnight Open Thread

The Island Packet reports:

Parrish Brown thought it was strange when the Hilton Head Island McDonald’s worker paused as he ordered a sweet tea with light ice and extra lemon. “Extra lemon?” the drive-thru worker asked in an odd voice. Brown later figured out what the “extra lemon” was about when he discovered quite a bit of weed inside his sweet tea — after he drank it, at work. The 24-year-old Charleston man called the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office around 11:30 p.m. Oct. 27 to report the incident.

“I have never had weed a day in my life, so immediately after I started drinking it, I started to feel weird and it didn’t taste like something I recognized,” Brown said. But he was thirsty, and needed a late night pick-me-up as he worked his second job on Hilton Head — except not that kind of pick-me-up.The sheriff’s office is investigating the incident, according to spokesperson Maj. Bob Bromage. The marijuana was submitted into evidence, according to the police report.