Liberal Christian Pastors To Pray For Impeachment

From a liberal group called Red Letter Christians:

As we issue this statement together, we commit to pray for our members of Congress and the impeachment inquiry while they are home in their districts this coming Sunday, October 13th. We encourage faith communities to invite their Congressional representative to join them for a National Day of Prayer, read the statement aloud, and pray for those who bear the responsibility of shining the light of truth in this moment.

As Christians in the United States of America, we join together as people of faith to express our conviction that an impeachment inquiry is necessary to reveal the truth, hold President Donald J. Trump and other public officials accountable, and bolster democracy in the United States. We welcome the light of truth, honesty, and transparency that this moment affords our country, whatever may be revealed. We call for an open inquiry that shines light on this administration’s dealings behind closed doors and petition people of faith and integrity to join us in calling forth this light.

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life,” Jesus said (John 8:12). Jesus’ words and ministry highlight the connection between truth and the well-being of the poor, the sick, the immigrant, the imprisoned, and the earth. Likewise, we who follow Jesus must make visible that any President’s violation of his oath of office would harm the most vulnerable among us.

About 100 pastors have signed up for the event. The one name that jumps out at me is Rev. William Barber.