The Associated Press reports:
When Donald Trump assumed the presidency, conservative religious leaders drew up “wish lists’ of steps they hoped he’d take to oppose abortion and rein in the LGBTQ-rights movement. With a flurry of recent actions, Trump’s administration is now winning their praise for aggressively fulfilling many of their goals.
Mat Staver, president of the legal advocacy organization Liberty Counsel, said Trump has fulfilled about 90% of the goals on a list that Staver and other conservative leaders compiled.
“In the first two years of his administration, he’s achieved more than all of the presidents combined since Ronald Reagan,” Staver said. “He’s been the most pro-religious freedom and pro-life president in modern history.”
Last week the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to make it legal to fire people for being transgender. That move came a day after the Labor Department proposed a rule allowing federal contractors to discriminate against LGBT employees in the name of Jesus. The two items are among dozens of anti-LGBT actions since Trump was elected.