Epstein Created New Will Two Days Before Suicide

Bloomberg reports:

Jeffrey Epstein wrote a will just two days before his suicide, placing $578 million in assets in a trust, a move which could complicate efforts to collect damages by women who say he sexually abused them.

By placing all of his assets in a trust, Epstein could shield their distribution from the public. He asked that Darren K. Indyke and Richard D. Kahn be appointed as executors, according to a copy of the will filed Aug. 15 with the court in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Epstein, a financier and convicted pedophile, was in jail awaiting trial on charges of conspiracy and trafficking minors for sex. He hanged himself Aug. 10 in a federal jail cell in Manhattan, a death the city medical examiner determined was a suicide.

Yahoo Finance reports:

Jeffrey Epstein named his longtime lawyer as one of the executors of a will that was created two days before 66-year-old’s death.

The last will and testament of the convicted sex offender and accused sex trafficker named lawyer Darren K. Indyke as one of executors of the will, and stated that he would be paid $250,000 “upon the completion of probate of [Epstein’s] estate.”

An in-depth Yahoo Finance investigation previously revealed Indyke’s deep ties to Epstein, both business and personal. The findings suggest that Epstein was by far Indyke’s biggest client. In fact, Yahoo Finance was unable to find records of their work with any clients other than Epstein or his associates.