“The Lord told me the hordes of chaos have been released on the earth right now. He also told me, ‘Satan’s pastors have been activated.’ Satan’s pastors have been activated.
“Now this is the first time I am releasing this publicly, so this is what she [Maxine Waters] is saying: ‘the bully pulpit.’ She’s activating Satan’s pastors to begin bullying from the pulpit. Bullying the president, bullying those over illegal immigration, bullying those over the border.
“It’s all about activating. Look, the Lord has told me that the devil is coming back for his dues right now.” – Self-described prophet Mark Taylor, citing a tweet from Maxine Waters as evidence.
Trump, you called the El Paso shooting an act of cowardice. Trump, you’re the coward. You could use the bully pulpit to stop these horrific mass shootings, but you continue racist attacks on Americans. We can’t let Senate off the hook. Pass the gun bill! Congress, we can do more!
— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) August 4, 2019
RELATED: Last year Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Liberty University released a film based on Taylor’s “prophetic vision” that Trump would be elected. According to Box Office Mojo, the film grossed only $671K despite heavy promotion among evangelicals and its relatively wide release to over 600 theaters. Taylor regularly appears on Jim Bakker’s slop bucket show.
PREVIOUSLY ON JMG: Mark Taylor says God will smite you for mocking him. Mark Taylor says Trump Junior will run for president with JFK Jr., who faked his 1999 death in a plane crash. Mark Taylor claims that the Democrats winning the House in the midterms was actually a voter fraud sting operation. Mark Taylor claims “demonic Eric Holder” is using mind control on Twitter to activate assassins to kill Trump. Mark Taylor claims Democrats created Hurricane Michael to help “communist” Andrew Gillum suppress votes in Florida’s panhandle. Mark Taylor claims liberals created Hurricane Michael as retaliation for Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Mark Taylor claims liberals created Hurricane Florence to wash away evidence of voter fraud in North Carolina. Mark Taylor claims that John McCain was secretly executed for treason by a military tribunal on Trump’s orders. Mark Taylor predicts that liberals will create hurricanes during the midterms to suppress pro-Trump voters. Mark Taylor predicts that God will have former presidents executed for daring to criticize Trump. Mark Taylor declares that Trump will release the secret cures for cancer and Alzheimer’s during his second term. Mark Taylor reveals that Freemasons are using a secret frequency to make people hate Trump. Mark Taylor reveals that God personally gave him a secret prayer that “jams the radar” of Democrats.