Brian Brown: New “Natural Law” Commission Provides An “Extraordinary Opening” To Challenge LGBT Rights

Peter Montgomery reports at Right Wing Watch:

Anti-LGBTQ-equality activist Brian Brown declared in a message to supporters on Thursday that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s new “Commission on Unalienable Rights” provides Brown’s International Organization for the Family with “an extraordinary opening to push for clear and consistent recognition of the natural family” and “gives us a forum to challenge American foreign policy that has in the past advanced the extreme agenda of the left that has been cloaked in the language of so-called human rights.”

Pompeo’s commission, which was reportedly created without input from the State Department’s existing human rights infrastructure, will bring a “natural law” lens to a reexamination of U.S. human rights policy. As New Ways Ministry’s Bob Shine has noted, “Natural law theory has been used for a long time by Catholic Church leaders and theologians who reject LGBT people’s identities and their relationships.” Natural law theory has various strains, but as applied to sexuality and gender, it essentially argues that people whose sexual expression or gender identity is not “natural,” or who have non-procreative sex, are defying the “natural law” of God.

Earlier this month I reported that all of the commission’s members are anti-LGBT activists. The commission is reportedly the brainchild of NOM founder Robert George.

As you may recall, after the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling, George called for “all federal and state officeholders in the United States” to defy the decision.

Robert George is also the author of 2009’s Manhattan Declaration, which calls for Christians to engage in civil disobedience against all LGBT rights laws.