Madonna Takes On Gun Violence In Chilling New Video

Rolling Stone reports:

Madonna highlights the devastation of gun violence — and our maddening inability to take meaningful action to prevent it — in her chilling new “Gun Control” video. The clip contrasts the joy of nightclub dancing with the brutality of a mass shooting.

“The story you are about to see is very disturbing,” warns the opening text. “It shows graphic scenes of gun violence. But it’s happening every day. And it has to stop.”

From there, director Jonas Åkerlund cuts to the deadly shooting, a children’s choir singing at a church vigil, scenes from a Seventies-styled discotheque and modern-day protests against guns and the NRA. In-between, Madonna churns out the song’s lyrics on a typewriter.

Watch for NYC’s Gays Against Guns, who also get a shoutout in Madonna’s second tweet below, as do multiple other LGBT groups.